Hi peepur :)
Uploaded some saturday pictures, lol.
Caught up 'The Proposal' with Shuhui, Ahlong, Banana, Eeching and Leon.
Movie was fucking HILARIOUS!
Its a must catch but I think the movie gonna end soon..
Banana was like keep disturbing Eeching during the movie, singing the MOLE on her face.
The last photo looked like I'd put up blusher and I look so like a girl -.-
Were drinking thats why \m/!!
Prelim started this week, needa mug like one shit ass now.
English paper on Wednesday was a killer so was today's science practical!
Did everything too fast and ended up with more than 30mins left -.-?
There must be something wrong lol?
Its so fucking stress man, tomorrow there's Math paper 1 and I can't solve any questions.
Yes, any.
I'm such a failure.
Argh shit, nothing can describe how I feel now!
How I wish I could have Mr Lee's brain and then I'll be able to solve those math questions -.-
Nevermind, I shall not bother with Math, I shall not befriend Math.
It sucks, so I'm gonna play my online games instead and not kill my brain cells anymore.
& Girl, how I'd wish you were mine :'(