Still can't get to sleep thou its now the middle of the night. :$
Caught a movie with the usuals, Jaymien, Lz, Waijie & Gabriel.
Met up with Waijie first to buy hk then met up w Lz & Gabriel.
Lol, Lz went off on Gabriel's bicycle then me and Waijie initially wanted to take the bus.
But god knows why, we're still so childish and wants to compete with who will reach Jp first!
Haha! So me and Waijie took cab instead!
Reached Jp & met up with Jaymien.
Puffed and Lz & Gabriel THEN reached.
Me and Waijie emerged into victory!!!
Lol! How childish can I get! -_-
Bought the ticket ' TERMINATOR SALVATION ' and headed to mac for lunch.
Was so sick during then, laughs!
Headed for the theatre and before the show starts, me & Waijie headed out to grab some stuff to chew -.-
Here goes the conversation ;
Waijie : Erm, give me cheesy hotdog.
Sales : *Takes the cheesy hotdog and place onto the table and says "$2 please"
Waijie : Eh, I don't want liao.
Sales : Puts back the hotdog with a fucked up face.
Waijie & Me : Laughing like mad cows.
LOL! That Waijie doesn't grow up don't he!
Went back in for the movie and it was fantabulous ( is this how it meant to be spelled? )
The sound effects was awesome!
Go watch it! Its a must to watch, a very exciting show you must catch for this holiday!!!
Puffed after the movie ended and took a shop round Jp and chance upon Syazrul & co. :D
In the end, the others headed to Anson's house while Gabriel gave me a ride home! ^^
During the ride back, there was this old man ( on a bicycle too ) keeps *ring ring* his bicycle's bell for don't know what god reason.
Then Gabriel also ring ring back LOL
Wth, I was laughing like mad and the old man rides faster so does Gabriel.
It soon became an competition! -_______-
In the end, we ride far ahead of that oldman and shouted "SONG BO"
Omg, I'm so childish!! ( Just for today -_-)
Ok, after typing this wall of texts, guess I can fall asleep now :S