Finally, photos are uploaded by Elysia!
So I can update all in a shot :B
Friday, headed to fareast to look for job, but met up @ Gekpoh first for breakfast.
Waited for Jaymien as he went to rebond his fringe!
Puffed and took 502 straight to there.
This old bald man, suddenly talk to himself say what WE FOLLOWING HIM when we do not know him @ all, when we first see him man!
He blabbering to himself saying, "我死不用紧。。我会让你们跟我一起陪葬! ", " 他们跟踪我很久了,以为我不知道!" and some cock things.
Hahaha, we were like board the bus the on the bus play cards then he started saying all these.
Why I say he was a stomper because he still took out his bloody pink sony ercisson phone to take our photos/videos!
He very cute sia, sitting straight but the phone is turning side and facing me, THINK I STUPID.
HAAHA, I still pose for him man!
Took some of his photos before we alighted. :P
Walked around then went to paragon?
All the wu mia brands shop are in that building, Gucci, LV, blah blah $_$
Then went bugis for sheesha after awhile.
Played cards and loser get slapped!
Hah, that was so funny when all ganged up against Waijie!
Ard 6 took train back to boonlay while Elysia went to woodlands.
Man, got so much to update, I swear this post will be dam long! @_@
Headed to new extension to shop then went puffing then went Selina's house ther to slack.
Hsh afterthat ^.^
Saturday, was supposingly to be tonning but Elysia lo! :@
Met up with Selina @ her block ther and puffed, talk cock sing song, then waited for Lz, Gabriel & Waijie.
Soon, Joanne came.
Waijie came with a unknown bicycle and Gabriel told us he steal it. -_-
Slack slack then a few Malays came to us telling that the bicycle was their's.
Waijie returned to him then we continue slacking.
Soon, a police car came then we knew the Malays called the police.
As Gabriel sprayed the whole bicycle pink then I think the Malays not happy. -.-
Police came then tio screen and take down statements all these.
Luckily Lz, Selina, Joanne & me was not involved.
Waijie was so fucking suay can, its Gabriel who steal it but now, Waijie has a case _l_
They both went down to the police station while we went to take beers and drink.
Laughs, headed back home afterwards.
Woke up around 9, prepared then met up w Selina, Joanna & Lz and headed to the library.
Took a sort of new cab there, starting fare fucking $5!!!!
Ate roti praaaataaaa :D then went to find seats.
First step into the library saw the 大屁股 security guard. LOL!
Cb, typical singaporeans, all so kiasu so early go chop seats!
No seats for us then we landed in the middle of the library.
Like some stranded refugees ( -_-)lll
Jaymien came and they played cards while I was tutoring Joanne.
The 大屁股 came then we laugh like hell!
Laughs, shifted to other place and continue playing cards.
Soon, Terry joined us and went to puff.
Had some sort of World War 3 w Selina when Jaymien&Lz went to eat prata.
Haha, so fun :D
Headed to JP to eat LongJohnSilver then Terry went to take laughing gas.
He played w it and was like gong gong like that. -.-
Went back library then play cards again AND AGAIN, the 大屁股 came and told us off!
Went around searching for books after that and Selina's dad came to fetch them home while Lz & Me went to breadtalk to buy bread for my mom.
Took bus home and here I am blogggggging ^.^
Oh yea, did not know people will still tick my post as interesting,cool, funny siak!
Haha, thanks lei ^^!
So I can update all in a shot :B
Friday, headed to fareast to look for job, but met up @ Gekpoh first for breakfast.
Waited for Jaymien as he went to rebond his fringe!
Puffed and took 502 straight to there.
This old bald man, suddenly talk to himself say what WE FOLLOWING HIM when we do not know him @ all, when we first see him man!
He blabbering to himself saying, "我死不用紧。。我会让你们跟我一起陪葬! ", " 他们跟踪我很久了,以为我不知道!" and some cock things.
Hahaha, we were like board the bus the on the bus play cards then he started saying all these.
Why I say he was a stomper because he still took out his bloody pink sony ercisson phone to take our photos/videos!
He very cute sia, sitting straight but the phone is turning side and facing me, THINK I STUPID.
HAAHA, I still pose for him man!
Took some of his photos before we alighted. :P
Walked around then went to paragon?
All the wu mia brands shop are in that building, Gucci, LV, blah blah $_$
Then went bugis for sheesha after awhile.
Played cards and loser get slapped!
Hah, that was so funny when all ganged up against Waijie!
Ard 6 took train back to boonlay while Elysia went to woodlands.
Man, got so much to update, I swear this post will be dam long! @_@
Headed to new extension to shop then went puffing then went Selina's house ther to slack.
Hsh afterthat ^.^
Saturday, was supposingly to be tonning but Elysia lo! :@
Met up with Selina @ her block ther and puffed, talk cock sing song, then waited for Lz, Gabriel & Waijie.
Soon, Joanne came.
Waijie came with a unknown bicycle and Gabriel told us he steal it. -_-
Slack slack then a few Malays came to us telling that the bicycle was their's.
Waijie returned to him then we continue slacking.
Soon, a police car came then we knew the Malays called the police.
As Gabriel sprayed the whole bicycle pink then I think the Malays not happy. -.-
Police came then tio screen and take down statements all these.
Luckily Lz, Selina, Joanne & me was not involved.
Waijie was so fucking suay can, its Gabriel who steal it but now, Waijie has a case _l_
They both went down to the police station while we went to take beers and drink.
Laughs, headed back home afterwards.
Woke up around 9, prepared then met up w Selina, Joanna & Lz and headed to the library.
Took a sort of new cab there, starting fare fucking $5!!!!
Ate roti praaaataaaa :D then went to find seats.
First step into the library saw the 大屁股 security guard. LOL!
Cb, typical singaporeans, all so kiasu so early go chop seats!
No seats for us then we landed in the middle of the library.
Like some stranded refugees ( -_-)lll
Jaymien came and they played cards while I was tutoring Joanne.
The 大屁股 came then we laugh like hell!
Laughs, shifted to other place and continue playing cards.
Soon, Terry joined us and went to puff.
Had some sort of World War 3 w Selina when Jaymien&Lz went to eat prata.
Haha, so fun :D
Headed to JP to eat LongJohnSilver then Terry went to take laughing gas.
He played w it and was like gong gong like that. -.-
Went back library then play cards again AND AGAIN, the 大屁股 came and told us off!
Went around searching for books after that and Selina's dad came to fetch them home while Lz & Me went to breadtalk to buy bread for my mom.
Took bus home and here I am blogggggging ^.^
Oh yea, did not know people will still tick my post as interesting,cool, funny siak!
Haha, thanks lei ^^!
Oh yea, this post is dedicated to you bitch.
You're such a jinx you bitch!
Rounded figure, wrinkled looking witch, with a mushroom top.
Hah! You said I'd discipline problems in school and this made HER to suffer.
Her freedom was lost you this fat round short ugly smelly stupid dumb looking monster!
Curse you to have a child with no asshole and no nipple or perhaps, you can't even give birth :D
Yea, give me a concrete evidence of me having discipline problem alright :o
I'm waiting ^^
You're such a jinx you bitch!
Rounded figure, wrinkled looking witch, with a mushroom top.
Hah! You said I'd discipline problems in school and this made HER to suffer.
Her freedom was lost you this fat round short ugly smelly stupid dumb looking monster!
Curse you to have a child with no asshole and no nipple or perhaps, you can't even give birth :D
Yea, give me a concrete evidence of me having discipline problem alright :o
I'm waiting ^^